EU Policy

The cruise industry is committed to meeting the climate challenge and we have a specific role to play in Europe, as it is one of the last maritime sectors to build its ships in the region.

As such, the Cruise Industry supports EU exports, connects European citizens within Europe and with the rest of the world, is the pillar of a “made in Europe” maritime value chain and contributes to maritime peripheral regions and development. We believe that global challenges are best addressed through coherent regulation at the EU and international levels.

Strategic Agenda for the European Cruise Industry 2024-2029

CLIA is happy to unveil its Strategic Agenda for the European Cruise Industry for the next five years:

⚓ Defend consistent & supportive decarbonisation legislation
⚓ Defend the international competitiveness of the European Maritime Sector
⚓Support the human dimension
⚓Support sustainable tourism growth

Read the full CLIA Strategic Agenda

The EU’s waterborne transport sector issues Joint Declaration, charting the course towards a resilient, competitive and sustainable future

The Joint Declaration, signed by 13 European Associations, calls for a coordinated effort between public and private sector actors, with resilience, competitiveness and level playing field as cornerstones: “Together, we are charting a course towards a resilient, competitive, and sustainable future, ensuring that the EU’s Waterborne Transport Sector remains a global leader and delivers quality jobs”.

Read the full Joint Declaration on the EU Waterborne Transport Sector

Visas & borders: Travelling in Europe, what you need to know

“Impact of the European New Border Systems on Cruise Operations’.

“Border control at ports is not systematically organised like airports and investment is needed to ensure Entry/Exit system operates seamlessly for our crew and passengers”

Click here to know more

The importance of shoreside electricity

The route towards net-zero carbon cruising has many paths. One of the key areas identified as making a significant impact in terms of emissions is the implementation and use of shoreside electricity at ports, also known as Onshore Power Supply (OPS).
This means ships can connect directly to power sources on shore. It allows ship engines to be switched off, reducing emissions by up to 98%, depending on the mix of energy sources, while a ship is in port.

As part of the EU’s Fit for 55 programme, all main ports in the European Union will have to use shoreside electricity by 2030.

Find out more

Cruise Lines International Association and SEA Europe Joint Declaration calling for maritime technology to be included in the “Green Deal Industrial Plan.”

“The Net-Zero Industry Act is an important step forward for the Green transition of our economy, but the EU has yet to recognize the strategic role of the maritime technology sector in Europe’s industrial strategy. More than 93% of the world’s ocean-going cruise ships are built in Europe, representing 80% of the order book value of the European shipyards. Cruise lines are partnering with shipyards and equipment manufacturers to invest in the innovations that will deliver a net zero-carbon future in maritime transport.

That is why we are calling on the EU to ensure that include the maritime industry in the Net Zero Industry Act. The EU must ensure that the right regulatory framework is in place to maintain its strategic strength in complex shipbuilding and maritime technologies.”, comments Marie-Caroline Laurent, CLIA Director General

Read the full CLIA & SEA Europe Joint Declaration

CLIA’s initial response to Fit for 55

A balanced and proportional regulatory framework for all economic sectors can pave the way to achieve the EU goal of net-zero carbon by 2050.  Special attention should be given to assessing potential impacts on remote European coastal regions and islands that depend heavily on passenger shipping. CLIA is committed to contributing to the policy discussion, partnering with all actors to accelerate the development of alternative marine fuels that will be necessary for achieving the EU’s and CLIA’s decarbonisation ambitions.

Read CLIA’s full statement on Fit for 55